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Clubes, sociedades de fomento, bibliotecas y ONG podrán condonar deudas con la AFIP – Tus Noticias Online

Clubes, sociedades de fomento, bibliotecas y ONG podrán condonar deudas con la AFIP

La Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP) contactó a más de 4.000 clubes de barrio, cooperativas de trabajo y escolares, bomberos voluntarios, bibliotecas populares y organizaciones comunitarias con deudas para informarles cómo acceder a la condonación prevista en la ley de alivio fiscal.

La herramienta, una de las medidas incluidas en la Ley de Alivio Fiscal aprobada el año pasado por el Congreso, abarca obligaciones tributarias, aduaneras y de seguridad social vencidas al 31 de agosto pasado e incluye los intereses resarcitorios, punitorios, multas y sanciones.

Además de la moratoria para estas deudas y un mecanismo para rehabilitar planes de pago caducos, prevé beneficios para contribuyentes cumplidores y la implementación de procedimientos para facilitar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones resultantes de los procesos de fiscalización.

El instrumento también alcanza a las deudas inferiores a $100 mil de monotributistas y otros pequeños contribuyentes, y de micro y pequeñas empresas que cuentan con el Certificado MiPME.

Las herramientas de la Ley de Alivio Fiscal buscan fortalecer el proceso de reactivación económica y promover la recuperación y el desarrollo del entramado productivo.

Los contribuyentes podrán realizar la solicitud hasta el próximo 2 de marzo a través de la página web de la AFIP, dentro del servicio “Condonación de deudas-Título I-Ley 27.653”.

About The Author

1.796 thoughts on “Clubes, sociedades de fomento, bibliotecas y ONG podrán condonar deudas con la AFIP

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    Researchers wanted to assess and predict bone loss in astronauts caused by spaceflight. This research paper demands the conduction of a survey that includes asking questions to respondents. The conductor of the survey then collects all the information from the survey and analyzes it to present it in the research paper. Finish with a concise, 3‐5 sentence conclusion paragraph. This is not just a restatement of your results, rather is comprised of some final, summative statements that reflect the flow and outcomes of the entire paper. Do not include speculative statements or additional material; however, based upon your findings a statement about potential changes in clinical practice or future research opportunities can be provided here.

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    If all else fails, you could try the most expensive option: professional laser treatment. A doctor can use lasers to reduce bluish and red discoloration under the eyes. Vascular lasers, as they’re known, work by constricting visible blood vessels, thus reducing the appearance of dark under-eye circles. E.l.f. is first and foremost a makeup brand, so it’s no surprise its skin care works beautifully under face products. That includes its eye cream, which contains a blend of peptides and hyaluronic acid. Together, they plump and hydrate the under-eye area to ensure makeup doesn’t sink into any wrinkles or fine lines. Peptides are also helpful for dark circles, particularly if they occurred as a result of a lack of collagen. The amino acid stimulates collagen production, which in turn helps to bring some of that volume back to the area. As we mentioned before, if it’s the result of a drooping fat pad, an in-office treatment will likely work best.

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    The brand new eyeliner was dried out! 🙁 I hope I can get an exchange at the store. Stila Stay All Day® Matte Lip Liner Build your own palette, create a color combination, or discover look ideas to try. This easy-glide, quick-dry precision liner stays in place until you say when no smudges, feathering, or running. It goes on smoothly without skipping, smudging, or pulling, and lasts all day. Indigo & Turquoise The Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner is the brand’s number one bestselling liner. Known for its ease of application and practically bulletproof wear, it’s no wonder we can find this eyeliner in handbags and makeup organizers everywhere. (It’s a personal favorite of mine, too, and I’m a makeup fiend!) Your wishlist has been temporarily saved. Please Log in to save it permanently.

  52. After being announced earlier this month, 2K Games and HB Studios have revealed that PGA Tour 2K21 will be coming to all major platforms (PC via Steam, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Google Stadia) on August 21st, and it’ll come with some, let’s just say, interesting microtransactions. Additionally, you can also check out PGA 2k21’s official Twitter page to see if there is any new information or updates available in the future. Following this page can allow you to be able to stay up to date with any changes, issues, and potential errors in the game. This can also be a great source of information and tips from both, the developers, as well as players. In PGA Tour 2K21, career mode features 30 events across 15 licensed courses – the most in the series – and delivers the opportunity to build rivalries with one of the 12 licensed pros. Along with these rivalries, career mode enables you to pick a sponsorship from more companies than before, such as Bridgestone, Malbon, and Adidas. By building a good relationship with your sponsor and completing certain objectives, you earn more exclusive rewards for your player.
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