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ARBA lanzó un plan para contribuyentes que tengan deudas – Tus Noticias Online

ARBA lanzó un plan para contribuyentes que tengan deudas

La Agencia de Recaudación de la provincia de Buenos Aires ( ARBA) puso en marcha  un nuevo plan de pago orientado a contribuyentes del impuesto a los Ingresos Brutos -pymes, micropymes y monotributistas- que hayan visto afectada su actividad económica por la pandemia.

Este programa permitirá regularizar deudas vencidas en 2021 de los impuestos sobre los Ingresos Brutos, Automotores e Inmobiliario Básico, tanto en planta urbana edificada como rural.

El director de la Agencia, Cristian Girard, subrayó que “el plan Covid-19 de ARBA prevé facilidades para que comercios, autónomos, pymes, empresas y demás contribuyentes de Ingresos Brutos, que hayan tenido caída de ventas o aumentos inferiores al 40% en su facturación, puedan regularizar deudas impositivas en hasta 18 cuotas sin interés”.

El plan de pago estará abierto hasta el 31 de octubre próximo e incluye impuestos vencidos entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de agosto de 2021. En el caso de Inmobiliario y Automotores, los contribuyentes de Ingresos Brutos pueden cancelar aquellas deudas correspondientes a bienes que se encuentren asociados a su CUIT.

La adhesión al programa de regularización se efectúa directamente desde la web, ingresando en arba.gob.ar, con CUIT y clave de identificación tributaria (CIT).  El plan incluye la posibilidad de pagar al contado o en 3 y hasta 18 cuotas mensuales, sin interés de financiación.

Para quienes decidan acogerse, se estableció un período de gracia adicional de hasta dos meses para comenzar a abonar el mismo. El vencimiento para el pago al contado o de la primera cuota, operará el día 10 del mes subsiguiente al de la formalización del plan (si se adhiere en agosto comenzará a pagar en octubre, por ejemplo).

Y los pagos restantes vencerán, en forma mensual y consecutiva, el día diez de cada mes. En lo que va del año, la provincia de Buenos Aires implementó diversas medidas de asistencia tributaria con el objetivo de acompañar el esfuerzo de los contribuyentes, en el contexto de pandemia, e impulsar la reactivación de la producción y el empleo.

Además de instrumentar planes de pago y moratorias con quitas de intereses y otros beneficios para familias y empresas, ARBA suspendió embargos, redujo alícuotas para aliviar a las actividades más afectadas, eliminó retenciones bancarias e implementó recientemente un régimen simplificado de Ingresos Brutos que favorece a un millón de monotributistas bonaerenses.

About The Author

698 thoughts on “ARBA lanzó un plan para contribuyentes que tengan deudas

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    The odds to win vary at different sportsbooks, and will adjust ahead of the Open as the tournament nears and more bets are placed on the golfers. Here are the current odds to win for the leading favorites and contenders, courtesy of FanDuel Sportsbook. Due to COVID-19, the 2020 British Open was canceled. This was the first British Open cancelation since World War II. He also withdrew following a third-round 79 at the PGA Championship and opted to skip the US Open at Brookline in order to prepare for the 150th British Open at St Andrews. Betfred is offering new customers an incredible £60 in BONUSES when you sign up and bet £10 on the 2022 British Open Championship. For instance, we have provided you with the tips to guide you into betting at the 2023 US Open Championship, what you need to look out for, which PGA betting odds to choose, and we’ve even armed you with some betting tips that you can use to make your choices. All the best from us if you are considering betting on the upcoming US Open Championship.

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    In your user account, you can generate a unique invitation link. Send it out to your friends, colleagues and acquaintances inviting them to buy Doge or carry out any other operations on P2B. Explain to them how to use properly the “Dogecoin debit card” purchasing option (through other coins) and other merits of the system. Learn more about Consensus 2024, CoinDesk’s longest-running and most influential event that brings together all sides of crypto, blockchain and Web3. Head to consensus.coindesk to register and buy your pass now. In such a way, PayPal hopes its new stablecoin can serve as a bridge between the fiat landscape and the burgeoning Web3 and DeFi worlds, leveraging the formidable payments infrastructure already in place at the fintech company. PYUSD was launched in partnership with Paxos and will be made available to PayPal’s US customers over the coming weeks. 

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  14. Golf and Music with Drew Holcomb American Nate Lashley, who has won just once during his career on the professional tour, wrote on Instagram: ‘There’s 150-200 members of the PGA Tour and they just spent $100 million on 20 players. Seems a little ridiculous. } (Photo of Phil Mickelson: Maddie Meyer PGA of America via Getty Images) Back at the club that he first joined as an 11-year-old, Adam Scott would love to win the @fortinet Australian PGA Championship at Royal Queensland Golf Club starting tomorrow. ⛳️He tees off at 6am (Qld time) рџЏЊ️‍♂️#AusPGA #visitbrisbane #thisisqueensland t.co MykWyC3rZb Back at the club that he first joined as an 11-year-old, Adam Scott would love to win the @fortinet Australian PGA Championship at Royal Queensland Golf Club starting tomorrow. ⛳️He tees off at 6am (Qld time) рџЏЊ️‍♂️#AusPGA #visitbrisbane #thisisqueensland t.co MykWyC3rZb
    Stevens is +900 to finish in the top five at the Sanderson Farms Championship. If you wagered $10 on Stevens, you’d get $100.00 back. Sign up for ESPN+ to get access to PGA Tour Live, which broadcasts the main feed, featured holes and marquee groups from over 35 events per year! Plus, get tons of other live sports, original shows and the full \”30 for 30\” library. Sign up today! While Theegala isn’t in the field this week, another young stud on the PGA Tour who is looking for his first PGA Tour win is the outright favorite: Ludvig Aberg. Aberg is fresh off of a 2-2-0 week at the Ryder Cup as he was the only player in the competition who had never teed it up at a major championship. The Swede is also the only Ryder Cup competitor in the field this week after Nicolai Højgaard withdrew from the Sanderson Farms Championship on Sunday.

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