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Ituzaingo: nuevos pavimentos – Tus Noticias Online

Ituzaingo: nuevos pavimentos

El Intendente, Alberto Descalzo, junto al Secretario de Obras y Servicios Públicos, Juan Manuel Álvarez Luna, el Jefe de Gabinete, Pablo Descalzo y el Presidente del Concejo Deliberante, Pablo Piana, visitaron el comienzo de la obra de pavimentos por administración en el barrio Las Cabañas.

Estas obras son llevadas a cabo con fondos y mano de obra municipal desde la Secretaría de Servicios Públicos, a través de un trabajo articulado junto a obras civiles y la Dirección de Redes.

Una vez finalizada la recorrida, el Intendente, Alberto Descalzo, afirmó: “Vamos a seguir invirtiendo en mejoras para nuestro distrito, que además significa la generación de trabajo, producción y crecimiento. Algo que no solo es fundamental para Ituzaingó sino también para la Provincia y el país”.

“Estamos todos los vecinos muy contentos. Esta obra va a mejorar la calidad de vida de esta comunidad que formamos entre los vecinos”, agregó Analía, vecina del barrio.

Mientras que Juan Manuel Alvarez Luna señaló que “a pesar de la pandemia seguimos, con el acompañamiento de los trabajadores municipales, llevando mejoras a cada uno de nuestros barrios. La llegada del pavimento es mejorar la calidad de vida de nuestros vecinos y vecinas, que todos, podamos vivir un poco mejor”.


About The Author

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    The Masters will mark Woods’ first professional tournament since suffering serious injuries in a February 2021 car crash. The five-time Masters winner is 40-1 to win the tournament at Caesars Sportsbook. Why he won’t win: Fowler is also widely considered to be the current best player in the world never to have won a major. Here are his best finishes in each major: 2nd at the 2018 Masters, T2 at the 2014 U.S. Open, T2 at the 2014 Open Championship, T3 at the 2014 PGA Championship. When Fowler was a young gun, these were seen as growing pains. He’s 30 now, and there are a bunch of younger guys than him who have won one or more majors (Thomas, Jordan Spieth, Patrick Reed.) At some point, the monkey on your back becomes too heavy to carry. If you don’t believe me, ask Lee Westwood and Ian Poulter.

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  20. Hatchard has admitted live on Sky Sports that he received an update on Monday morning regarding Chelsea’s genuine interest in the France international. So I’m not really sure you can call this ‘breaking news’ now, but I guess having another major outlet confirm the story goes some way. West Ham could end the weekend inside the relegation zone if they fail to claim maximum points on Saturday, while Chelsea could find themselves in the bottom half of the table should they fail to come out on top at the London Stadium, so both sides will be determined to win this intriguing contest. Any deal to offload Gallagher would go a long way toward improving the budget at Chelsea for another new midfielder. His departure will count as pure profit in UEFA’s FFP guidelines as a homegrown player. Yet the west London club would still demand a high fee to cash in.
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    The price of Ethereum is determined by a range of factors, including supply and demand, market news and events, investor sentiment, and competition from other cryptocurrencies. After you register on MEXC and successfully purchase USDT or tokens, you can start trading derivatives such as futures and margin to gain higher income. 2019. That was a pretty stable year, with a slight price rally in Q2. On June 26, Ethereum reached a price of 335 USD, which is the highest price for Ethereum since August 2018. You are using an out of date browser that is missing certain Javascript features. For this reason, the charts cannot be displayed. Please try another search Analysis was done on daily data, so all moving averages, RSI, etc.., were calculated on a daily Ethereum price chart. To see more analysis and outlook, please check the Ethereum price prediction page.

  25. Goff leads the Lions down the field and they score with 11 seconds left to make it 30-21. Green Bay recovers the onside kick and takes a knee, and the game ends with a nine-point victory for the Packers, but a cover for the Lions. 2012: Andrew Luck, 1-0 ATS and 1-0 SU (won 23-20 vs Minnesota Vikings, covered +3) “Taurasi was voted in 2021 as the WNBA’s GOAT and has been dominating the league for almost two decades,” he said. “As the leader of the Phoenix Mercury, she has hoisted the championship trophy three times and is the WNBA all-time leading scorer. The impact both athletes have had on the basketball court and in the community as a whole, makes Diana and Sue a clear choice for the NBA 2K23 WNBA Edition cover.” Up there is also the Dallas Cowboys to cover the 3.0 spread against the New York Jets with 88% of bettors backing Dak Prescott’s offense, alongside 87% favoring the New Orleans Saints to beat the Carolina Panthers by three or more.
    At the best online sportsbook, you can bet on NBA odds throughout the season. From NBA spreads and live betting during games to futures and NBA Draft odds, there’s never a break in the NBA betting action. Player props are the name of the game today, as we target three of for Saturday’s six-game slate. As always, the NFL provides a whirlwind of excitement not just on the gridiron but also in the betting world. Player prop bets offer an extra layer of intrigue and allow fans to focus on individual matchups and stories within the game. So whether you’re looking to get in on the action or just watching to see how these bets pan out, the NFL promises another thrilling week of action. Always remember to bet wisely and savor the thrill of every play! While they are arguably the most popular type of bet on the NBA these days, NBA prop bets were not always the belle of the NBA betting ball. Their recent rise in popularity can be attributed to the fact that prop bets can add a layer to the NBA viewing experience. If you’re watching a game and you care about the outcome, a player prop bet can allow you to cheer for something other than your team if the game gets out of hand. On the flip side, a player prop can get you invested in a matchup you otherwise wouldn’t have looked at twice.

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