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Mar del Plata: vuelve la fiesta en honor a la Mae Iemanjá – Tus Noticias Online

Mar del Plata: vuelve la fiesta en honor a la Mae Iemanjá

Luego de dos años en los que la Ceremonia en Honor a la Mae Iemanjá se realizara respetando los protocolos dispuestos durante la pandemia y fuera reducida a la menor cantidad de fieles posible, vuelve la gran fiesta frente al mar  que convoca a miles de personas, organizada por el babá Hugo Watenberg, director espiritual y Presidente del Ilé Reino de Iemanjá Bomí de la ciudad Felíz.

La trigésimo novena edición se llevará a cabo el domingo 5 de febrero, a partir de las 19,30, y luego de la exhibición de capoeira, desde el playón del Provincial lindante con la Pileta Cubierta, partirá hacia la Playa Popular II la procesión de fieles provenientes de toda Argentina y de países limítrofes, vestidos con los trajes típicos.

Estará encabezada por la Imagen a la que custodiarán los diferentes íconos africanos, las bahianas, ialorixás y babalorixás de culto, portando vasijas con flores y barcas con ofrendas, y además los niños bajo el Alá (manto protector), los tamboreros de batuque, y la bandera de la Diversidad, escoltada por agrupaciones de Género y Derechos Humanos de Mar del Plata.

A las 20 y ya en la orilla de la Playa Popular II (San Martín y la costa), se procederá a la “Roda” -verdadera rueda humana que enmarcará el altar con Iemanjá presidiendo las ofrendas, barcas y flores-, luego al toque de batuque con las rezas de orixás y danzas, para culminar con la entrega de las barcas con ofrendas en el mar -debidamente custodiadas por personal de Prefectura Naval Argentina, dado que los fieles se internan en las aguas- y paso bajo el Alá de los presentes que así lo deseen para su protección.

Marplatenses y turistas podrán alcanzar sus cartas con pedidos a los integrantes de la organización, debidamente identificados con una credencial, las que serán depositadas en las barcas.

Cuidado ecológico

 Es digno de destacar que, por el cuidado ecológico y la índole respetuosa de la Naturaleza de este ritual, todas las barcas están realizadas con materiales orgánicos, como madera, cartón, etcétera, con el fin de evitar la contaminación.

Como en cada edición, una vez que todos se retiran de la playa, grupos de fieles especialmente organizados, se encargarán de limpiar toda la playa de cualquier residuo que haya devuelto el mar a la orilla.

 Acerca de Iemanjá

 Iemanjá, muchas veces asimilada en el sincretismo religioso como Stella Maris, es la orixá del agua salada, protectora de los pescadores y de las familias en general y que ha sido “cantada” por músicos con Gal Costa, Caetano Veloso, Sergio Mendes y sobre todo, por el gran escritor Jorge Amado en muchas de sus novelas. Su culto, llegado desde África en los barcos denominados “negreros” se ha extendido sobre todo en América del Sur, siendo la ceremonia de Mar del Plata una de las dos más importantes y a la que, por su jerarquía llega gente de toda la Argentina, de Cuba, Brasil, Uruguay y Paraguay.

 Las distinciones

 Cabe recordar que por su relevancia a nivel cultural, su convocatoria a nivel local, nacional e internacional y por ser considerada la segunda fiesta en honor a la Mae en importancia de toda América Latina, la Fiesta cuenta con las  declaraciones de Interés Cultural de la Secretaría de Cultura de General Pueyrredon y la de Interés Turístico del Emtur y la Declaración de Interés Provincial del Ministerio de Turismo de la Provincia (todas  permanentes) y de la Secretaría de Derechos Humanos, más el aval de la Defensoría del Pueblo.

La organización cuenta con el debido registro en el Ministerio de Cultos y cumple con todas las ordenanzas de la Municipalidad del Partido de  General Pueyrredon

About The Author

827 thoughts on “Mar del Plata: vuelve la fiesta en honor a la Mae Iemanjá

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  161. Your dedication to sharing knowledge is evident, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I always come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a reliable source of inspiration and information.

  162. Your dedication to sharing knowledge is evident, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I always come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a reliable source of inspiration and information.

  163. I’ve discovered a treasure trove of knowledge in your blog. Your unwavering dedication to offering trustworthy information is truly commendable. Each visit leaves me more enlightened, and I deeply appreciate your consistent reliability.

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  165. Your enthusiasm for the subject matter shines through every word of this article; it’s infectious! Your commitment to delivering valuable insights is greatly valued, and I eagerly anticipate more of your captivating content. Keep up the exceptional work!

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  167. I am continually impressed by your ability to delve into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I am sincerely grateful for it.

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  169. Your blog has quickly become my trusted source of inspiration and knowledge. I genuinely appreciate the effort you put into crafting each article. Your dedication to delivering high-quality content is evident, and I look forward to every new post.

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  171. I’m genuinely impressed by how effortlessly you distill intricate concepts into easily digestible information. Your writing style not only imparts knowledge but also engages the reader, making the learning experience both enjoyable and memorable. Your passion for sharing your expertise shines through, and for that, I’m deeply grateful.

  172. This article resonated with me on a personal level. Your ability to connect with your audience emotionally is commendable. Your words are not only informative but also heartwarming. Thank you for sharing your insights.

  173. I couldn’t agree more with the insightful points you’ve articulated in this article. Your profound knowledge on the subject is evident, and your unique perspective adds an invaluable dimension to the discourse. This is a must-read for anyone interested in this topic.

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  175. I’ve discovered a treasure trove of knowledge in your blog. Your unwavering dedication to offering trustworthy information is truly commendable. Each visit leaves me more enlightened, and I deeply appreciate your consistent reliability.

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  177. Your blog has rapidly become my trusted source of inspiration and knowledge. I genuinely appreciate the effort you invest in crafting each article. Your dedication to delivering high-quality content is apparent, and I eagerly await every new post.

  178. I’ve found a treasure trove of knowledge in your blog. Your dedication to providing trustworthy information is something to admire. Each visit leaves me more enlightened, and I appreciate your consistent reliability.

  179. I simply wanted to convey how much I’ve gleaned from this article. Your meticulous research and clear explanations make the information accessible to all readers. It’s abundantly clear that you’re committed to providing valuable content.

  180. This article is a true game-changer! Your practical tips and well-thought-out suggestions hold incredible value. I’m eagerly anticipating implementing them. Thank you not only for sharing your expertise but also for making it accessible and easy to apply.

  181. In a world where trustworthy information is more crucial than ever, your dedication to research and the provision of reliable content is truly commendable. Your commitment to accuracy and transparency shines through in every post. Thank you for being a beacon of reliability in the online realm.

  182. Your passion and dedication to your craft radiate through every article. Your positive energy is infectious, and it’s evident that you genuinely care about your readers’ experience. Your blog brightens my day!

  183. I’m truly impressed by the way you effortlessly distill intricate concepts into easily digestible information. Your writing style not only imparts knowledge but also engages the reader, making the learning experience both enjoyable and memorable. Your passion for sharing your expertise is unmistakable, and for that, I am deeply grateful.

  184. Your positivity and enthusiasm are undeniably contagious! This article brightened my day and left me feeling inspired. Thank you for sharing your uplifting message and spreading positivity among your readers.

  185. In a world where trustworthy information is more important than ever, your commitment to research and providing reliable content is truly commendable. Your dedication to accuracy and transparency is evident in every post. Thank you for being a beacon of reliability in the online world.

  186. Your enthusiasm for the subject matter shines through every word of this article; it’s infectious! Your commitment to delivering valuable insights is greatly valued, and I eagerly anticipate more of your captivating content. Keep up the exceptional work!

  187. Your positivity and enthusiasm are undeniably contagious! This article brightened my day and left me feeling inspired. Thank you for sharing your uplifting message and spreading positivity among your readers.

  188. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the wealth of invaluable information you consistently provide in your articles. Your blog has become my go-to resource, and I consistently emerge with new knowledge and fresh perspectives. I’m eagerly looking forward to continuing my learning journey through your future posts.

  189. Your blog is a true gem in the vast online world. Your consistent delivery of high-quality content is admirable. Thank you for always going above and beyond in providing valuable insights. Keep up the fantastic work!

  190. Your passion and dedication to your craft shine brightly through every article. Your positive energy is contagious, and it’s clear you genuinely care about your readers’ experience. Your blog brightens my day!

  191. I simply wanted to convey how much I’ve gleaned from this article. Your meticulous research and clear explanations make the information accessible to all readers. It’s abundantly clear that you’re committed to providing valuable content.

  192. I must applaud your talent for simplifying complex topics. Your ability to convey intricate ideas in such a relatable manner is admirable. You’ve made learning enjoyable and accessible for many, and I deeply appreciate that.

  193. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the wealth of invaluable information you consistently provide in your articles. Your blog has become my go-to resource, and I consistently emerge with new knowledge and fresh perspectives. I’m eagerly looking forward to continuing my learning journey through your future posts.

  194. I am continually impressed by your ability to delve into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I am sincerely grateful for it.

  195. In a world where trustworthy information is more crucial than ever, your dedication to research and the provision of reliable content is truly commendable. Your commitment to accuracy and transparency shines through in every post. Thank you for being a beacon of reliability in the online realm.

  196. Your storytelling prowess is nothing short of extraordinary. Reading this article felt like embarking on an adventure of its own. The vivid descriptions and engaging narrative transported me, and I eagerly await to see where your next story takes us. Thank you for sharing your experiences in such a captivating manner.

  197. I’m continually impressed by your ability to dive deep into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I’m grateful for it.

  198. This article resonated with me on a personal level. Your ability to emotionally connect with your audience is truly commendable. Your words are not only informative but also heartwarming. Thank you for sharing your insights.

  199. Your enthusiasm for the subject matter shines through every word of this article; it’s contagious! Your commitment to delivering valuable insights is greatly valued, and I eagerly anticipate more of your captivating content. Keep up the exceptional work!

  200. I’m truly impressed by the way you effortlessly distill intricate concepts into easily digestible information. Your writing style not only imparts knowledge but also engages the reader, making the learning experience both enjoyable and memorable. Your passion for sharing your expertise is unmistakable, and for that, I am deeply grateful.

  201. Your dedication to sharing knowledge is evident, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I always come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a reliable source of inspiration and information.

  202. Your dedication to sharing knowledge is unmistakable, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I consistently come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a dependable source of inspiration and information.

  203. This article resonated with me on a personal level. Your ability to emotionally connect with your audience is truly commendable. Your words are not only informative but also heartwarming. Thank you for sharing your insights.

  204. I am continually impressed by your ability to delve into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I am sincerely grateful for it.

  205. I must applaud your talent for simplifying complex topics. Your ability to convey intricate ideas in such a relatable manner is admirable. You’ve made learning enjoyable and accessible for many, and I deeply appreciate that.

  206. I’m genuinely impressed by how effortlessly you distill intricate concepts into easily digestible information. Your writing style not only imparts knowledge but also engages the reader, making the learning experience both enjoyable and memorable. Your passion for sharing your expertise shines through, and for that, I’m deeply grateful.

  207. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the wealth of valuable information you provide in your articles. Your blog has become a go-to resource for me, and I always come away with new knowledge and fresh perspectives. I’m excited to continue learning from your future posts.

  208. Your dedication to sharing knowledge is unmistakable, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I consistently come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a dependable source of inspiration and information.

  209. I’m truly impressed by the way you effortlessly distill intricate concepts into easily digestible information. Your writing style not only imparts knowledge but also engages the reader, making the learning experience both enjoyable and memorable. Your passion for sharing your expertise is unmistakable, and for that, I am deeply grateful.

  210. Your unique approach to addressing challenging subjects is like a breath of fresh air. Your articles stand out with their clarity and grace, making them a pure joy to read. Your blog has now become my go-to source for insightful content.

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  213. This article is a real game-changer! Your practical tips and well-thought-out suggestions are incredibly valuable. I can’t wait to put them into action. Thank you for not only sharing your expertise but also making it accessible and easy to implement.

  214. I simply wanted to convey how much I’ve gleaned from this article. Your meticulous research and clear explanations make the information accessible to all readers. It’s abundantly clear that you’re committed to providing valuable content.

  215. Your storytelling abilities are nothing short of incredible. Reading this article felt like embarking on an adventure of its own. The vivid descriptions and engaging narrative transported me, and I can’t wait to see where your next story takes us. Thank you for sharing your experiences in such a captivating way.

  216. Your blog has rapidly become my trusted source of inspiration and knowledge. I genuinely appreciate the effort you invest in crafting each article. Your dedication to delivering high-quality content is apparent, and I eagerly await every new post.

  217. This article resonated with me on a personal level. Your ability to emotionally connect with your audience is truly commendable. Your words are not only informative but also heartwarming. Thank you for sharing your insights.

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  220. I must applaud your talent for simplifying complex topics. Your ability to convey intricate ideas in such a relatable manner is admirable. You’ve made learning enjoyable and accessible for many, and I deeply appreciate that.

  221. I must applaud your talent for simplifying complex topics. Your ability to convey intricate ideas in such a relatable manner is admirable. You’ve made learning enjoyable and accessible for many, and I deeply appreciate that.

  222. I’ve discovered a treasure trove of knowledge in your blog. Your unwavering dedication to offering trustworthy information is truly commendable. Each visit leaves me more enlightened, and I deeply appreciate your consistent reliability.

  223. Your unique approach to addressing challenging subjects is like a breath of fresh air. Your articles stand out with their clarity and grace, making them a pure joy to read. Your blog has now become my go-to source for insightful content.

  224. I must applaud your talent for simplifying complex topics. Your ability to convey intricate ideas in such a relatable manner is admirable. You’ve made learning enjoyable and accessible for many, and I deeply appreciate that.

  225. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the wealth of invaluable information you consistently provide in your articles. Your blog has become my go-to resource, and I consistently emerge with new knowledge and fresh perspectives. I’m eagerly looking forward to continuing my learning journey through your future posts.

  226. Your dedication to sharing knowledge is unmistakable, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I consistently come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a dependable source of inspiration and information.

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  271. This article is a true game-changer! Your practical tips and well-thought-out suggestions hold incredible value. I’m eagerly anticipating implementing them. Thank you not only for sharing your expertise but also for making it accessible and easy to apply.

  272. Your storytelling prowess is nothing short of extraordinary. Reading this article felt like embarking on an adventure of its own. The vivid descriptions and engaging narrative transported me, and I eagerly await to see where your next story takes us. Thank you for sharing your experiences in such a captivating manner.

  273. I want to express my appreciation for this insightful article. Your unique perspective and well-researched content bring a new depth to the subject matter. It’s clear you’ve put a lot of thought into this, and your ability to convey complex ideas in such a clear and understandable way is truly commendable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and making learning enjoyable.

  274. Your writing style effortlessly draws me in, and I find it nearly impossible to stop reading until I’ve reached the end of your articles. Your ability to make complex subjects engaging is indeed a rare gift. Thank you for sharing your expertise!

  275. Your dedication to sharing knowledge is unmistakable, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I consistently come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a dependable source of inspiration and information.

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  280. Your blog has rapidly become my trusted source of inspiration and knowledge. I genuinely appreciate the effort you invest in crafting each article. Your dedication to delivering high-quality content is apparent, and I eagerly await every new post.

  281. This article is a true game-changer! Your practical tips and well-thought-out suggestions hold incredible value. I’m eagerly anticipating implementing them. Thank you not only for sharing your expertise but also for making it accessible and easy to apply.

  282. I am continually impressed by your ability to delve into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I am sincerely grateful for it.

  283. Your dedication to sharing knowledge is unmistakable, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I consistently come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a dependable source of inspiration and information.

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  286. This article is a true game-changer! Your practical tips and well-thought-out suggestions hold incredible value. I’m eagerly anticipating implementing them. Thank you not only for sharing your expertise but also for making it accessible and easy to apply.

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